Reserving a Post Production Room

Playa Vista

Playa Vista Post Room Reservations have moved to the same platform used for edit suites in COM Arts. Visit the Post Production Handbook and Recommended Tools for information on how to reserve an edit bay or color correction room. Questions? Please contact

Information on how to reserve an audio suite in PVC can be found in the SFTV Production Handbook here. You will be directed to complete the RECA Studio Agreement and an account will be set up for you at Questions? Please reach out to

Reservation and Access


  1. Using the RECA Online Scheduler go to to request studio time. (See our employees for a handout on how to use this system.) Once your time has been approved go to the Sound Office and fill out a Studio Booking Form. Hand it to an office employee for hard copy approval. Please Note: incomplete forms will not be honored. 
  1. A RECA staff member will then cross-check your requested reservations against the record and return to you an approved, stamped copy of your yellow booking form. Keep this form with you during your session as “proof” of booking and post it outside the studio in the plastic windows. 
  1. The RECA Office will issue you ONITY Cards to access the studio(s). You are required to return your key cards after your session. Lost keys are subject to a $20.00 per card fee for lost or unreturned cards and all fees will be billed to your student account.  Please speak with a RECA Tech for more details. 

Sound Studio Reservation Policies


Sessions can be scheduled a maximum of 4 weeks in advance. Only a grand total of 4 three-hour sessions can remain on the booking record at any one time. As a student uses up each booking they will be permitted to add more, up to the four-session limit. Recording Arts Juniors enrolled in RECA 361 and RECA Seniors may reserve Studio L for a maximum of 8 hours per booking, and may schedule their sessions more than 4 weeks in advance if necessary to accommodate performer schedules.

For students working on multiple student projects, we may expand the booking record to accommodate extra three-hour bookings per project on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to the Senior Audio Engineer if an accommodation is needed. If a student has over-reserved, all sessions beyond the 4-three-hour maximum will be released back to the general pool for other students to use. No more than 2 sessions can be booked in the same 24-hour period. 

Any student who schedules a sound studio and then fails to appear for their scheduled time slot, within 15 minutes of that sessions start time, may have their time given to another student. Students with repeated no-shows may risk losing their booking privileges. 

Camera Services Lottery


The SFTV Camera Lottery takes place every Thursday promptly at 12:15pm in COM 109 and remotely by email. For information on how to remotely participate in the Camera Services Lottery, visit Camera Services Remote Lottery.

Where: In person at the Camera Services Department (COM 109) OR if you are participating remotely, email your completed reservation form to Peter Soto

When: If in person, every Thursday promptly at 12:15pm in COM 109. If by email, must be received no later than 12:00pm.

Who: Only those students wishing to place a reservation the maximum of two weeks in advance of their shooting weekend may participate.

How: Each eligible student that submits will be assigned a number via a random number generator in no particular order. After every student has drawn a number a Camera Services Department Technician will begin accepting completed reservation forms starting with the lowest number drawn.

Your reservation will be time and date stamped at this time. The time and date stamp is only ONE way of determining what gear will be available to you. Please refer to the “Determining Priority” section.

Those students who miss the lottery may submit reservation forms up to two days before their pick-up date which will be time and date stamped accordingly.

All reservations accepted by end of business day on that Thursday two weeks prior to the shooting weekend will be prioritized and cuts made at this time. Students will be notified on the Friday after each lottery of items they requested that are not available.

Why: The lottery was conceived in order to make for a fairer process of accepting reservation forms as well as to alleviate the burden to students of lining up in front of each department, sometimes up to 24 hours before reservations would be accepted.

We are always trying to improve the process in order to ensure that it remains as fair and as transparent as possible.

If you have any suggestions for improvement, please send to Peter Soto.

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