Recording Studio/Rental Desk Penalty Schedule


(Pro Tools Edit suites, Red & Blue Rooms, Foley Stages)  

Unauthorized access to studio: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Failure to secure & latch doors: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Failure to Shut Down Studio Computer: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to turn off Studio Lights: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Room left dirty: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Mic locker left open: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Booked Session No-Show: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.


Unauthorized access to studio: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Failure to secure & latch doors: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct 

Failure to Reset (or “Zero”) the console: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Mic locker left dirty: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Mic locker left open: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Room and/or mic stands left messy: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to leave Air Conditioner to at least 73°: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to leave Power supply Rack Door Open: Loss of access privileges. 

Unauthorized access to Mic locker: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct 

Failure to properly wrap cables: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to turn computer monitors off: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Failure to Shut Down main Studio Computer: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Failure to turn off studio lights: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Late Equipment Return: Potential loss of checkout privileges

Failure to Return Equipment / Damage to Equipment: Repair or replacement costs charged to your student account 

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