Recording Studio/Rental Desk Penalty Schedule


(Pro Tools Edit suites, Red & Blue Rooms, Foley Stages)  

Unauthorized access to studio: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Failure to secure & latch doors: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Failure to Shut Down Studio Computer: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to turn off Studio Lights: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Room left dirty: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Mic locker left open: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Booked Session No-Show: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.


Unauthorized access to studio: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Failure to secure & latch doors: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct 

Failure to Reset (or “Zero”) the console: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Mic locker left dirty: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Mic locker left open: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct

Room and/or mic stands left messy: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to leave Air Conditioner to at least 73°: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to leave Power supply Rack Door Open: Loss of access privileges. 

Unauthorized access to Mic locker: Loss of access privileges, then potential referral to Student Conduct 

Failure to properly wrap cables: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges.

Failure to turn computer monitors off: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Failure to Shut Down main Studio Computer: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Failure to turn off studio lights: Warning, then potential loss of access privileges. 

Late Equipment Return: Potential loss of checkout privileges

Failure to Return Equipment / Damage to Equipment: Repair or replacement costs charged to your student account 

Reservation and Access


  1. Using the RECA Online Scheduler go to to request studio time. (See our employees for a handout on how to use this system.) Once your time has been approved go to the Sound Office and fill out a Studio Booking Form. Hand it to an office employee for hard copy approval. Please Note: incomplete forms will not be honored. 
  1. A RECA staff member will then cross-check your requested reservations against the record and return to you an approved, stamped copy of your yellow booking form. Keep this form with you during your session as “proof” of booking and post it outside the studio in the plastic windows. 
  1. The RECA Office will issue you ONITY Cards to access the studio(s). You are required to return your key cards after your session. Lost keys are subject to a $20.00 per card fee for lost or unreturned cards and all fees will be billed to your student account.  Please speak with a RECA Tech for more details. 
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