Production Sound Pick Up and Return


Monday-Tuesday 1PM to 5PM, Wednesday-Friday, ALL DAY

Pick up your equipment package from the PSD, Room #002. Upon request, a PSD employee will review your reservation/rental form with you to verify that each item you requested has been properly prepped into your package.

PSD employees may require proof of proficiency from you before equipment is checked out to you, or any of your designees.  If it is apparent that there is no working knowledge of a given piece of equipment, a PSD employee reserves the right to withhold any equipment from the rental until satisfaction of proficiency is met, if at all.

It is the responsibility of the Renter, or designee, to verify the contents of their package when the rental is picked up. No allowance will be made for any rented equipment or portion thereof which was claimed to not have been received.  A printed rental form will be handed to you upon checkout of your equipment.

All microphones rentals will include a microphone clip and foam windscreen, unless otherwise noted.

Where appropriate, equipment will include enough disposable new batteries, or rechargeable batteries to begin, but Renter must supply their own disposable batteries for their projects, as well as other expendables.  Supply of media for recording is the responsibility of the Renter.  Please return all rechargeable and used batteries for recharging or LMU recycling in the PSD office recycling bin.

Signature of receipt constitutes that all equipment is present. There are no exceptions


Monday-Tuesday 9AM-5PM
Wednesday-Thursday 9AM-7PM
Friday 9AM-1PM

  • All equipment must be returned in its original condition and organized in the correct cases as was received at the time of check out or will be subject to fine.
  • Missing equipment, accessories, or components upon return constitutes as a Late Return.
  • Unorganized, messy, and/or dirty equipment will be assessed a Cleaning Fee.

Lighting & Grip Check-Out Guidelines


Check-out period 

  • Check-outs begin after 1 pm the day of your pick-up.
    • There is a chance your order may not be ready until later, but do not expect it to be ready before 1 pm.
  • Maximum check-out length is 3 days per week.
    • Depending on your course you, may have more production days. Check with your professor. 
  • For check-outs of more than 1 weekend, you must submit multiple reservations, then re-check out your equipment for each weekend.
    • There is no guarantee subsequent orders will contain the exact same gear.  
  • Equipment must be properly returned by 12 pm the Monday following your pick-up to avoid any late fees. 

How to check-out

  1. Locate your gear.
    • It’s either on one of the stages or in a cage.
  2. Speak to an L&G worker and request your paperwork.
    • Your paperwork has the items that were pulls for your reservation.
  3. Check every item. Test every light.
    • Make sure all of the components – some lights have multiple pieces – are present and operational.
  4. There may be discrepancies between what is on your paperwork and the actual order in front of you. Write those discrepancies down on your paperwork and inform an L&G worker of those discrepancies once you’ve checked your entire.
  5. Once we’ve reconciled the discrepancies in our online system, we will printout two copies of your paperwork. Sign both copies. One is for our records. The other is for your records.
    • It may take up to 20 minutes or longer for us to reconcile the discrepancies, please factor that into your pick up time.
    • When returning the gear, use your copy to check and make sure everything is present.
  6. Once you’ve been “greenlit” and signed your paperwork, you are free to load.

Pick up / Return 

  • Until you receive a “green light” from Production Administration, you are not able to check out gear. 
    • In the meantime, we will allow you to check and test your order, but you will not be able to sign off and load.
  • You will pick-up your gear at an approved time, but no sooner than 1 pm.
  • You will return on approved date (typically Mondays) by 12 pm.
  • Sunday returns after 6 pm are possible during peak weeks.
    • Please check with us when those weeks are.
  • If you’re picking up Camera and Sound, start with those two departments before coming to L&G.
    • L&G usually takes substanitably longer to checkout because of the size of the orders are usually much larger.
  • Do not park your grip truck in the loading dock of Comm Arts until you’ve checked and signed off on your gear.
    • Park your grip truck off campus or in Hannon until you’re ready to load.


We require 24-hour notice prior to pick-up time to cancel an order. Notice less than 24 hours will result in a fine. 


The Lighting & Grip Department is not responsible for any liabilities, claims, costs, or expenses arising out of the use or possession of the equipment. All equipment is offered for inspection and testing at the time of pick-up. (see Terms & Conditions section) 


All equipment is checked out in good condition and must be returned in the same condition. Any repair work necessary shall be paid by you, or if damage is extensive, replacement cost may be charged. 


Camera Services Check Out


You may check out equipment for up two (2) working days. Each night is considered one working day. Special arrangements can be made for students with unique circumstances.

Equipment can be picked up no earlier than 1pm on pick up date and no later than one hour before closing or it will be released to others. If you fail to pick up equipment without notifying the Camera Services Department you will be fined. Fine amount varies depending on the type of equipment.

Prep your equipment and report any damages or missing items BEFORE you leave the building. Once you leave the building, you will be held responsible for all equipment on your reservation form.

The Camera Services Department may withhold any piece of equipment from a student until that student has demonstrated a working knowledge of the item in question.

Always store equipment in a safe place. Avoid exposing equipment to extreme heat or cold and keep free of dirt and moisture.

Equipment will only be released to the student or their representative. If a representative is picking up, they must demonstrate knowledge of the equipment. The students name must be on the reservation form.

You assume FULL RESPONSIBILITY for any loss or damage to equipment when you sign the reservation contract. (See “The SFTV Equipment Policy”)

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