Production Design

The Prop Shop

Services: You will need this office to reserve and use hand props and furniture.

Location: Communication Arts Building, Stage 1

Contact: Matteo Leva, Scene Shop Graduate Assistant

Fall 2023 Hours: Monday (10am – 3pm) and Thursday (9am – 5pm)


The Acme Film+TV Directory – Props and Set Dressing

Prop Weapons Policy

Hand Prop Room 

SFTV Scene Shop Props and Set Dressing

Sony Props Rental


Additional Non-LMU Set Dressing Resources

Death Dealer Props

SFTV Prop Shop and Scene Shop


Props and Scene Shop

Props are held on the Film Stage (ComArts 125).  To check out props or set dressing you must complete the Props Rental Form and have it signed by Production Administration. You may check out props during business hours if a class is not in session on Film Stage. For information on props inventory and checking out props from

SFTV contact The Prop Shop

A schedule of prop access time will be posted on the L&G Doors next to their hours.

Fall 2024 Hours

Mon – 8:00 am-12:30 pm

Tue – 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm; 6:30 pm-8:30 pm (Consultation in L&G office Only)

Thur – 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Scene Shop

This department provides limited equipment for the construction of sets used in approved student productions. Flats may be checked out through the Scene shop.  For more information about building sets on the stages contact the Scene Shop Graduate Assistant, Cameron Marble.

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