Filming in Area 2 of Playa Vista Campus


Area 2 is any exterior area off the 2nd floor but remaining on The Brickyard property, and staying within the confines of 12105 West Waterfront Drive. This process needs more time for approval from the Property Management Office and should start (2) Weeks prior to filming.

These interior, common areas are off limits and will not be approved for filming: Stairwells, fire exits, parking lot during normal business hours, and other areas deemed not suitable by the Property Management Office.

Requests to film outside the 2nd Floor require a completed Film Request Inquiry Checklist (FRIC) uploaded to SFTV on TAP and an email sent to TBD (or a message in TAP) with the following information:

  • A photo of the location you are requesting.
    • A short description of the scene you are filming.
    • Time of your shoot day(s).
    • Number of Cast/Crew.

Your request will be forwarded to the Property Management Office (PMO). You will be notified if your request has been approved through email or via SFTV On Tap.

A Film LA permit will not be required. The LAPD Film Permit Unit considers this location an extension of our campus. However, the following restrictions apply:

  • All activity must be contained on the property. 
  • No activity on streets, sidewalks, or public right of way. 
  • No special FX, blank gunfire, drones, or other high impact activity. 
  • No exterior filming outside the standard hours of 7am-10pm 
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