Animation Facilities and Labs


The primary purpose of the Animation facilities is for the instruction of Animation courses, and the facilities are reserved for students currently enrolled in Animation courses, which have specific access determined by the instructors.

Most Animation facilities are available to students currently enrolled in ANIM courses during regular Hours of Operation from 6am to Midnight. The SFTV facilities are closed from Midnight to 6am, and any use of SFTV facilities when they are closed is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, so violations of this policy could have very serious ramifications. Please visit Violations to SFTV Policies and Guidelines for more information on Academic Dishonesty and Code of Conduct Policies.

General use of the labs is to be done around class schedules, unless permission is given by the instructor during their class hours. Prior to using an Animation classroom, please check the schedule posted outside each classroom or the online schedule found at the URL provided by the Animation technical staff.

Lab space is limited, so students may not monopolize workstations and they must relinquish/logout from any workstation if they step away for longer than a few minutes. You can check the availability of the Animation workstations online at the URL provided by the Animation technical staff.

Food, drink and smoking are prohibited in all of the Animation facilities and violators will be disciplined/fined as follows:

 1ST Offense: Written Warning
2ND Offense:$50 Fine
3RD Offense:$100 Fine
4TH Offense:$100 Fine + Expulsion from Animation facilities outside of enrolled class hours (Card Access will be revoked)
Please see Handbook sections on Fines

Please note: The Communication Arts building is officially closed, along with most of the LMU campus, during the Winter Break between Fall and Spring semesters, so students wanting to use the Animation facilities during Winter Break must request permission from the Animation technical staff in advance, and permitted students will be granted access to the Animation facilities by LMU Campus Safety.

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